Le Pen claims no-confidence motion only way to protect French public from ‘dangerous’ budget – live

Far-right leader says planned measures would ‘worsen the already monstrous deficits of seven years of Macronism’

Here are some comments, carried by franceinfo, made by French politicians this morning about the looming no confidence vote and the political turbulence the country is experiencing:

The Socialist leader, Olivier Faure, told France’s most-watched news channel, the 24-hour BFMTV:

We have been trying for two months to make proposals to the prime minister, and the only one he has reached out to is Marine Le Pen

He has acknowledged being a prisoner of his common base and not being able to make any gesture in our direction. If we censor, it is not because we do not like Michel Barnier. We want to achieve progress on the substance, in particular pensions and health.

I am worried about the impact that the vote on this motion of censure could have, if the left and the RN decide to vote for it, on people with disabilities.

I was part of the solution in the summer, I made myself available and I prepared to govern with the forces of the New Popular Front and with the forces of civil society who have a lot to contribute.

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